Chain World social network protocol design structure

The Chain World metaverse social network's decentralization effort aims to structurally change the balance of power, allowing users to easily switch services and control their own identities and data.

A peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol is chosen for the Chain World social network protocol design structure. It can give users more power in terms of structure. In a peer-to-peer network, there is no distinction between a client and a server, and each user's device can perform both functions, rendering them functionally equivalent to peers.

● P2P protocol

Because all devices in the network are peers and can both request and respond to requests, the P2P protocol allows users to communicate directly with one another. The public bootstrap nodes of the Chain World social network assist new users in connecting to the network, but each node remains functionally equivalent. This design gives the user the most control while also putting them in charge.

● Identity

Public keys are used to identify users in the Chain World network.

Its data structure is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), and users can choose a human-readable nickname to associate with their keys. However, nicknames are not unique, and this makes key management one of the most difficult challenges in the ecosystem because users can lose their keys or change their keys very frequently. Their keys w. The identities of users are completely under their control. Because the keys are currently stored on the device, there is no way to log into an account across multiple devices, which is considered essential by social network users.

To address the issue of key management, the Chain World ecosystem's social financial management App project has implemented a social key recovery system. It allows fractionalization of the keys such that users can store keys in pieces with trusted family and friends who can assist in the reconstruction of lost keys.

● Audit

There is a FLAG function at the Chain World protocol layer for sending strong negative signals about bad actors. There is no global moderation, nor are there any dedicated moderators. Users can "block" and "ignore" apps built on Chain World. Shielding in Chain World is more powerful than shielding in centralized networks because it prevents data from passing through these nodes. If enough people block a user or group of users, the network segment in which they are located is disconnected from the rest of the network.

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