Chain World Web3 Social Core Differences
While performing all of the functions of traditional Web2 Social, the Chain World metaverse Social of Web3 also fulfills the below listed criteria.
From a social media perspective:
The core goal is to reclaim ownership of digital assets from traditional Web2 platform model and return ownership to the individual generating or creating these digital assets. Users create content, Web2 platforms create rules, and data is stored in their platform centralized database and servers which cannot guarantee the privacy of user data.
However, with Web3 technologies for decentralized computing, decentralized storage and decentralized privacy protection can achieve better outcome for users including the following:
● Open platform, users’ data does not need to be migrated (island → open)
● On-chain storage, users can obtain richer information (closed → shared)
● Encryption algorithm to improve privacy security (leakage/loss/tampering → security)
As a result, the user's identity attributes become richer, and personal influence becomes more valuable; traditional Web2 often emphasizes platform influence over creators influence, whereas Web3 emphasizes individual social influence, promotes the development of personal interests, and liberates everyone to participate. This increases creators' motivation for generating and sharing more rich contents on the platform.
From a financial perspective:
At the core of this is the ability for everyone to easily realize value from their personal social capital and the propagation of personal social influence value through decentralized financial products. In the traditional Web2 social networking, the platform uses recommendation algorithms and customized advertisements to monetize social influence value. The majority of the revenue from this is monopolized, and content producers receive only a small portion of it, if any at all.
Financial value creation can develop where users' social activities (such as content creation, comments, likes, and chats, among others) is used to;
Basic: Obtaining assets (ERC20, 721, 1155, etc.) as "Proof of Work" in the Web3 world
Intermediate: Gain privileges such as governance voting rights and whitelisting eligibility in the Web3 ecosystem.
Advanced: Support users in becoming Web3 KOLs, and possibly real-world KOLs, then build a fan economy by developing personal brands (clothing, music, merchandise sales, etc.) and earning reputation income (from publications, speeches, etc.).
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